
Posted by Dianna

Since my last post was back around Halloween I guess I have a lot of updating to do! I really mean to post more but sometimes things just get put off to the side for a later date and somehow end up lost in the busy day to day shuffle.

We had a wonderful thanksgiving. Though we did end up having it about a week early. We weren't sure what to do as money was very tight. Chris was layed off from his job and there was no money coming in besides unemployment which let me tell you isn't hardly anything at all. Chris and the kids would ask me what we were going to do and I kept telling them that if it was meant for us to have a turkey dinner then a way would present itself.

Well a way did present itself. We were sitting around the house and heard the doorbell ring. Ash answered the door and it was the Madison Fire Auxillery with a Turkey Basket for us. What a blessing that was! The only bad thing about it was that the turkey was mostly unthawed and the blood had gotten onto the bottom of the box and onto the carrots and potatoes. So we made the decision to cook it that day. It was wonderful! Nice and juicy!

Then we ended up being twiced blessed as Chris ended up working the next day for Rick for a couple hours, and when he went to leave inside our car he found a turkey in the drivers seat. Ricks wife has stopped and left us and another worker a turkey. So that was another blessing!

We finished putting in the last window upstairs. So now the upstairs is totally finished as far as windows go. If I ever get the energy I might tackle the sanding in the last room. That thing is taking forever to get done. I blame it on Chris as I wanted to do it way back last year and he made me wait. See what happens when I wait LOL!!

I was waiting on grades and Ashley failed her English again. I knew it was coming. She doesn't hand in papers when they are due and she never brings her homework home to do. She just doesn't have the ambition to deal with school and her teachers.

So that's it anyway for this blog!

Later days!