Busy time

Posted by Dianna

Halloween has now come and gone. The kids had a pretty good time of it. Logan ended up dressing up as a carpenters helper. He wanted to be Link from "Legend of Zelda" but I just didn't have the time to make him a costume. Chris came through for me and gave Logan his tool belt to wear. He loaded him up with tools such as electrical wire, scissors, level, t-square, screw drivers, mallet, hammer and other goodies to go into it. Chris brought out his knees pads and adjusted them so Logan could wear those as well. Next came the hat with safety goggles and to top it off a dust mask. He was quite the handsome carpenter! It just goes to show you that you don't have to spend money on oufits. There is always something around the house that will work just fine!
Ashley dressed up in the pirate outfit that I made her. She walked Logan around for a bit. People felt for her and gave her candy as well! lol...
We ended up coming home by 7:30 so she could go with Arthur to a party his old youth group leaders were having. It was a pretty good night and the kids had a good time.

We have been busy trying to winterize the house. We went out and bought 4 more new windows. Three of them are now in. We had to rent staging as they were all going up on the second floor. We have one more to do and all the windows upstairs will have been replaced. We should see a huge difference in the temp in the house. Last winter we had a couple windows done in two of the rooms and you could feel the difference in there immediatly.
All that is left now to do is to put in the bedroom doors and get the last room ready for painting. I will be glad when it's all done up there.
I think the next project we might tackle is the cellar windows and redoing the water lines in the basement. We will leave the first floor for last.

I am feeling a lot better now. I still have a cough every once in a while but at least now I can talk without hacking up my lungs. I would say that I was about 75 to 80% better. I am trying to avoid people as I don't want to come down sick again. One cough or sneeze is all that I need to come down sick again.

Chris is still jobless. Rick doesn't have any work and hasn't called for him in two weeks. We took the dump truck back down to Skowhegan as we really don't need it sitting here.

School grades have now closed so I am waiting to see what the results of this quarter are going to be. I am not worried about Logans grades but I am about Ashleys. This is her senior year and she has to pass. It is more critical now then ever.

Monica and I are creating a new blog. It will be for our favorite recipes. I have one that she can never remember the recipe for. I have given it to her like 5 times now at least! LOL!!! I figure this way we can put all our favorites on line for easy access and to share with our friends and loved ones. The url for it is http://mondikitchen.blogspot.com/

I believe that is all the news for now!


The Bertone's said...

I'm glad the kids had fun, though I am sad there is no pic of logan??? I wanted to see him all dressed up! I hope ash does good. Miss ya guys so much! :) Love ya!